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Leaping Late

1 Mar

Internet, last night I wrote an actual blog post for you. It was about how I’ve written enough lately about leaping and how I would spare you more and how I’ve been sick for FOUR days now and how this has been, of course, a horribly busy week and a horrible week in general and then I told you about how I miss blogging and how I was going to try this that picture a day thing that everyone did in February as a way to get me back to posting here consistently and then when I hit publish, the page was blank. Everything was gone. I uttered many curse words and am leaving you with this post that is really just little more than one run on sentence. Anyway, I’m going to do the March photo a day challenge so I’ll be back daily to post, at the least, a picture, but hopefully will be inspired to write too.

March 1st – Up

I call this “Sometimes things that go up that are NOT meant to come down but do anyway, in spite of your husband busting his ass on it for months and when it falls you both just cry.”


P.S WordPress almost did it again, but I salvaged this post. However it won’t let me post the picture of the photo challenges for March and I’m much too frustrated to try.